Finalistinnen Impact Entrepreneurin des Jahres 2023
Gülsah Wilke
Co-founder and Managing Director 2Hearts (Berlin)

Über Gülsah
Gülsah is a tech leader, advisor and investor with a passion for diverse team and leadership building in tech. She is the first one in her family being born in Germany, speaking German fluently and going to university. Her grandparents came to Germany in the 1960s as guest workers hoping and working hard for a better future for their family. She didn't achieve her success despite her two hearts, but precisely because of it: she understood that two hearts also mean two cultures, two perspectives and new horizons. However, she also owes her success to luck and mentors coming from a socially underprivileged background herself. “Be the person you needed when you were younger." That's her ambition and that's exactly why she co-founded 2hearts: To give other talents with a migration background from socially underprivileged backgrounds access to the exclusive tech scene with a "helping hand" or a little intro. Because that is exactly what makes the difference in the end that can change lives.
Über 2Hearts
2hearts ist die grösste Plattform und Community in Europa für Talente mit Migrationshintergrund oftmals aus sozial benachteiligten Schichten. Die Mission ist „Building tomorrow‘s Tech Society with Cultural Diversity“. 2hearts arbeitet mit Partnern aus dem Tech Umfeld (Corporates und Mittelstand, Beratungen, Start/Scale-ups, VCs, Banken und Stiftungen) zusammen, um ihnen Zugang zur Community aus Tech Talenten mit 2 oder mehr Herzen zu geben (Access), die Bedeutung und die Chancen von kultureller Vielfalt in Tech für die deutsche und europäische Wirtschaft zu verankern (Mindset) und spannende Angebote, Mentoring, Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen, Netzwerkmöglichkeiten und Jobs für die Community anzubieten (Network und Opportunities).